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Found 43324 results for any of the keywords half saree ceremony. Time 0.010 seconds.
Half Saree Ceremony Events - Aica EventsA sweet sixteen is a coming of age party celebrating a teenager???s 16th birthday. Much like a wedding, this event can be formal, casual, or semi-formal.
Dhoti Ceremony Events - Aica EventsDhoti Function or Dhoti Ceremony is an Indian Hindu ceremony performed when a boy wears a dhoti for the first time. Dhoti will be presented by the boy???s..
Cradle Ceremony Events - Aica EventsCradle ceremony or uyyala function is the first traditional celebration in the family for the new born baby. Cradle ceremony can be performed either at home
Naming Ceremony Events - Aica EventsNaming ceremony, also called as namakaranam or namakaran sanskar, is conducted after the 11 days from the date of birth Naming
Haldi Ceramony Events - Aica EventsThe haldi ceremony is a pre-wedding ritual that is religiously followed all across the country and is hosted a couple of days before the wedding ceremony.
Baby Shower Ceremony | Baby Shower Ideas by AICA EventsBaby Shower is First ever celebration performed for the mom-to-be and for the baby-to-be-born. In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana it???s called seemantham.
Engagement - Aica EventsEngagement is a promise to wed, and also the period of time between a marriage proposal and a marriage. a couple is said to be engaged to be married
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